List: Banner Propaganda
Posted in China by Chris
Across Beijing and throughout China, one comes across red banners hanging on railings, bridges and generally “around.” Ever since I saw one in Shenzhen that read: “Without the strictness of the red light, (you) never can have the freedom of the green light” (没有红灯的限制,更没有绿灯的自由), I have been fascinated by them.
Partly I’m fascinated because some have an every-day poetry about them, but mostly I think it is the quaint notion that anyone pays them any mind at all.
For what its worth, a few that have caught my eye…
“Taking care of the underaged is taking care of the motherland’s future” (Red banner)
“Take care of life, (go forth in a civilized manner)” (blue, incomplete banner)
[Given the crosswalk, the blue one is well placed. Hopefully no one reads it too carefully while crossing though. On the other hand, who is paying any attention to the future of the motherland in this scene?]
“Follow Lei Feng(‘s example), help others to help yourself” (literally: study Lei Feng, sacrifice (for) others, raise yourself)

Live like Lei Feng!
“A civilized ChaoYang (district) – its up to everyone, and everyone can enjoy (it)”
“Spread dedicated service, create a beautiful life in ChaoYang (district)”
[This one is a hoot because it is right across from the groundskeepers booth at RiTan park. When they were hanging it, what must they have been thinking?!]
“Paying attention to hygene is everyone’s responsibility; improving health is everyone’s gain”
“Establishing a healthy nation and district starts with a healthy, happy home!”
“Get with the Beijing spirit, establish a cultured district”
[Of course, to get this one you also have to have seen all the posters extolling Beijing Spirity as: patriotism, creativity, inclusiveness and (shoot, I forgot – thus making my point exactly). Still, you’ll be excused if you’re wondering if reading banners will establish culture.]
Carry on Lei Feng’s example, provide dedicated service.
“Establish a national hygienic district, raise the standards of The People’s health.”
Do away with the “four hazards,” pay attention to health; get with a new lifestyle!
“Work together to build a hygienic district!”
The unknown soldier of banners
[What’s amazing is how rare this is. So far, I have counted only two in such a state.]